Send Letters Disputing the Negative Accounts to the Credit Bureaus

When you send any letters to the credit bureaus you MUST send every letter CERTIFIED MAIL WITH A RETURN RECEIPT.


If you do not send the letters certified with a return receipt you will have no proof that you sent them anything and you will likely just be ignored.

The letters should be sent EXACTLY one week to the day after you sent the debt validation letters directly to the other companies.

In your dispute letters to each of the credit bureaus make sure you are careful to only dispute the accounts that were reported to that specific bureau. Many accounts will be at all three bureaus but some may not. The basis for your disputes is that you have no records validating these accounts and you have received no records indicating you have any legal obligation regarding them. Therefore, you are asking the credit bureau to investigate them as per your rights under the Fair Credit Reporting Act and the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act. Include copies of the validation letters you sent directly to those companies and a copy of the receipt from the post office.


Now the waiting game begins. The credit bureau has thirty days to respond to your letters. Sit tight. When you receive the delivery confirmations back from the post office make copies of them and keep them with the rest of these letters.

Here is a sample DISPUTE LETTER Please feel free to copy it for your personal use.

I have a complete set of letter templates for every credit issue for sale here